Pine Tree Academy Alumni Weekend
Sept. 29 - Sept. 30, 2023
Sabbath worship service is livestreamed HERE.
Check out the PTA Alumni Page on FACEBOOK linked HERE.
Guest Speaker
Mrs. Roberta Merrow, Retired English Teacher and Registrar (31 Years)
Honor Classes
1978 45th Reunion
1983, 40th Reunion
1988, 35th Reunion
1993, 30th Reunion
1998, 25th Reunion
2003, 20th Reunion
2008, 15th Reunion
2013, 10th Reunion
2018, 5th Reunion
2023, New Graduates!
1983, 40th Reunion
1988, 35th Reunion
1993, 30th Reunion
1998, 25th Reunion
2003, 20th Reunion
2008, 15th Reunion
2013, 10th Reunion
2018, 5th Reunion
2023, New Graduates!
Weekend Schedule
Friday (Sept. 29)
5:30pm | Vespers - (Behind School)
5:45pm | Supper - Beans, hotdog roast, and bonfire.
Saturday (Sept. 30)
10:30am | Worship & Lunch (Gymnasium) (LIVE Streamed on Youtube)
5:30pm | Music & Vespers Service (Freeport SDA Church)
6:30pm | Alumni Basketball Tournament (Gymnasium)
5:30pm | Vespers - (Behind School)
5:45pm | Supper - Beans, hotdog roast, and bonfire.
Saturday (Sept. 30)
10:30am | Worship & Lunch (Gymnasium) (LIVE Streamed on Youtube)
5:30pm | Music & Vespers Service (Freeport SDA Church)
6:30pm | Alumni Basketball Tournament (Gymnasium)