Our fabulous office administrative assistant had a BIG birthday today!! Thank you Mrs. Glover for all you do for Pine Tree Academy!
Pine Tree Academy Home & School celebrated their athletes on Saturday night, January 9, 2016 in the varsity basketball games against Seacoast.
During Christmas break industrious high school students helped with a service project – the Micronesian Literacy Project. Students categorized books for children in the early stages of literacy in Micronesia, an area located east of Hawaii and Guam, in the middle of the Pacific. This project is the unofficial service project of the PTA chapter of the National Honor Society, an organization that at its heart believes that service is crucial to leadership. “The National Honor Society (NHS) chooses to induct only those students who have demonstrated service, as well as character, leadership, and scholarship,” states Anne Goorhuis, PTA sponsor of the NHS.
Two work bees were held during break. Jonathan Krebs, Lauren Krueger and Alex Milano came in to help. In addition, PTA alumna Rachel Cundiff and her sister Lauren, who served as a missionary to Micronesia in 2014 aided in this project. The young people placed color-coded labels on the books indicating short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, etc. They also trimmed freshly laminated pages of easy readers and restapled them back into books. The lamination helps protect trade paperbacks against the high humidity of the tropical islands and ensures their long-term usefulness. Once the books were processed, Alex, Jon and Lauren then boxed the books to be sent to the eight Adventist schools in Micronesia. Many students there do not speak English as their mother tongue and yet wish to attend a school where they can learn English. They therefore lag behind their American counterparts in reading. Every thought was given to making the teaching task easier for the many student missionaries from Adventist universities who instruct the Micronesian pupils. Kudos to our PTA high school students Alex, Jonathan and Lauren for giving up part of their Christmas vacation to help with this worthy project! Together with Rachel and Lauren they logged over fourteen hours of volunteer work! The Micronesian Literacy Project is ongoing and any 9th – 12th grader is welcome to stop by Room 206 and speak with Mrs. Goorhuis to see how he or she can help. It’s an awesome way to make a difference in the life of a child while gaining some valuable service hours to record on the National Honor Society Inventory form. |
January 2025